Toolbox...page 2.
Need a new website or site redesign?
Unhappy with your current web site? Has your product/service
changed and "outgrown" your current website? Need to add new
features to your site? I can quickly and cost-effectively redesign
and upgrade your existing site to bring you current. Just need a
plan developed for an upgrade to be done in-house? No problem...I am
capable of supporting any and all aspects of upgrading and redesigning.
Want to
sharpen your online program?
I can create a completely independent, 3rd-party review of your
online program. You supply your market profile, mission statement,
and descriptions of your online properties (website, e-newsletters,
broadcast e-mail marketing, etc.). You receive a comprehensive
evaluation including competitive analysis and recommendations.
Follow-up discussions by phone or e-mail are also included.